The Courage Practice ®

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Cracking Our Hearts Wide Open


We've been holding our breath lately, haven't we?

Self-protection is high; the proverbial walls between us are too. Truth feels on trial in every corner of the world and interwebs. We are fiercely dedicated to the pursuit of pleasure, proclaim we want genuine growth, and spend our days prioritizing our own comforts.

Maybe instead we open our hands and hearts to all of it.

What would it feel like if we allowed our hearts to crack wide open?

To feel the weight of our grief, to begin to really see each other again. We fear that if we actually feel our pain, we’ll drown in its aching heaviness. However, it isn’t our grief that is killing us; it’s our individualism.

Maybe there's another way, created & forged from the caverns of our heartbreak.

Heartbreak isn't the end, even when it feels like it. Heartbreak is the beginning of deep healing when we allow ourselves to break open. It guts us while carving out open space to reimagine something new. Crisis reveals who we are, who we love, what we stand for, & how our beliefs are practiced within our behaviors.

This season of reckoning has become a powerful illumination of our messy humanity, shining brightly in both revolutionary & revolting ways. Some of us may be holding our breath yet many of us are indeed gasping for it.

We cannot change what we do not fully accept or feel.

Inner reckonings are the birthplace of outer revolution.

Cracking our hearts wide open will take courage in everyday practice; perhaps the deepest kind of practice we've ever known. Not just for a day or an occasion but for the long haul until we can all breathe freely again.

Maybe we can transform the horror into glory & the vigilance for what we individually want into championing for what we all want.

Reimagining the possibilities often begins with genuine heartbreak.

And maybe through this heartbreak, we can create something new.