The Courage Practice ®

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On Life, Right Now

The world is on fire, its pulsating, quaking, cracking open, and resisting.

It’s crying out like a laboring mother begging to be delivered and liberated from the grasp of the pain.

Our world is simultaneously weeping quieting in all its corners too — like the young and the old alike do when overwhelmed by a kind of soul loneliness impossible to describe and unfathomable to name at happy hours and dinner parties. Hungry for the very thing that terrifies us; the raw sting of laying ourselves bare to each other.

We may be more connected socially than ever yet the isolation cuts to the marrow of our bones. All trying to survive or liberate ourselves yet aching to be witnessed and held along the way. We listen to podcasts that speak on these topics, read books offering a practice or solution to try to thrive, and yet we go to bed doom-scrolling and aching for the kind of intimacy we’ve never known for longer than a night or two.

Be kind — for all of us are fighting hard right now. Some of our battles feel similar yet these challenges meet us in the trenches of our hearts differently. Let’s not forsake nor dismiss our differences now. Let’s honor them for in doing so, we can see our similarities more clearly too.

Be courageous enough to feel it all, friend.

Please don’t numb all of this holy agony away. You will only postpone things and carry it for far longer than you want to in your life. You are not breaking down; you are breaking open.

Allow yourself to open your hands and heart and enter into the crucible of the ache, the wail of our laboring earth. Soften into its wisdom. From the depth of its cries, something new is born.

Take care of yourself, look after yourself, and look after anyone you have the capacity to reach for in this unforgettable season of life.

Loving you from here,
