The Courage Practice ®

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The Book Club

Remember those Scholastic Book Club catalogs our teacher sent home with us when we were young?

Well, I was the student who circled all my favorite reads before the bus even made it to my house after school. We didn’t have much money to actually purchase the books but these catalogs were the blueprint for my library list collection. I absolutely loved reading; still do.

Growing up, the local small town public library was open only two days a week and one Saturday a month. Every month on that Saturday, I’d beg my mother to take me to soccer practice in the morning and then to the library. Soccer and reading lit up my summers for years. I still remember the practice of cleaning the grass off my cleats on the old library building steps before I went inside to collect a stack of the latest titles I was dying to read. The memories of librarian scorn and early due date penance for not cleaning my cleats and tracking muddy grass all over the library hardwoods are also remembered.

On one particular visit, I told the librarian I wanted to be her when I grew up simply because she could read anything she wanted at any time. At age eight, this was the ultimate freedom. No one looking through your library stack for age-appropriate content or stamping the book with a reminder that fines would ensue if you kept or lost the book. Her reply was kind and interesting:

“I thought the same thing when I was your age.”

My family members teased me incessantly about my love of narrative. The stories I told, the stories and poems I wrote, and all the books I read. I wasn’t a fast reader—I lingered over every word, taking it in and feeling all the way into it to place myself into the boots of the character. My great-grandmother, Audrey, once stayed on the phone line with me for an hour simply listening to me read to her and ask questions about the book. I got in some hot water for that little antic of taking all of her precious time but this was still her reply:

“I cannot wait to join your book club one day.”

Somehow even then I knew that narratives heal, awaken, inspire, and empower us. In a childhood entrenched with strife and challenge, books and writing were simultaneously my refuge and my place to call home. Other people’s stories reminded me that no matter how it begins, we can choose the ending…or the way we respond to an ending. Of anything.


So it is in honor of those Scholastic Book Club catalogs, those library Saturdays, and my great-grandmother, Audrey, that I launch my first book club with The Courage Practice this fall. The TCP Book Club community is designed to be casual, curious, and compassionate as we explore courage together and what it means to put it into practice—in leadership, life, and love.

Courage is discussed in theory all the time, which I absolutely love. Yet I have found that discussing courage in practice makes it more accessible. In witnessing the courage in others, we see and realize our own.

Within this community, there is always room at the table for those who desire to develop connection and community as they explore their own courage in practice. If you’re into learning, unlearning, and casual, compassionate, curious conversation, you may just love it here.


If you’d like to join us this fall, we’ll be reading IMPERFECT COURAGE by Jessica Honegger. This is a fabulous new title recently released and written by Ms. Honegger who is the founder and CEO of the fabulous Noonday Collection.

In this powerful, poignant read, she takes us on her own journey of practicing courage and reminds us that our imperfect practice can truly bring us home to who we are and what we are destined to give.

IMPERFECT COURAGE can be purchased through our bookstore here or via this direct link.


The club will meet beginning October 8th through December with open engagement within a private Facebook group and once a month via virtual video conference. Weekly prompts will be offered and everyone’s perspective is encouraged to deepen engagement and connection. We’ll close out our time together just before the December holidays.

The book will be broken into three part sections—one for each month—yet participants are encouraged to read at whatever pace is best for them and their experience. There are no fees other than the price of a book to join. You may also elect to snag your own local library copy of IMPERFECT COURAGE too. Just watch out for those due dates. :)


Please feel free to comment below or reach me directly via the contact page. I cannot wait to curl up with this book and explore imperfect courage with you soon!


An intuitive leadership and life coach for 14 years and founder of The Courage Practice, Tonyalynne Wildhaber coaches individuals, leaders, coaches, and soulful entrepreneurs to make friends with their courage, integrate wisdom with strategy, step into their highest potential, and transform their success and life from the inside out.

Tonyalynne is a frequent contributor to Forbes and Thrive Global. She is head-over-heels in love with the Pacific Northwest, loves iced coffee in all weather, and is attempting to train a dog named Ollie.