The Intuitive Intensive

Short on time? This one’s for you.

One full day of intuitive coaching.

Sustainable practices for a lifetime.

Deep dive to rise high.

You have a dream yet it feels out of reach these days.

The overwhelm & second-guessing feels immense. Time feels limited. Clarity ebbs & flows. The “how” feels like an intense uphill climb & you’re not feeling ready.

Yet beneath all the questions & doubts, you know the dream within you is real.

You know you’re here for a purpose and your heart’s cry is getting louder everyday.

The Intuitive Intensive is a jam-packed, virtual bootcamp + retreat day to shed the shoulds & begin doing the things you know you’re meant to do.

We dive deep into the physiological body to assess core needs and patterns of belief & behavior. We integrate fears and unwrap clarity. We establish personalized nervous system healing practices to bring ease to the body & reduce the anxiety. We build a blueprint for aligned action where it matters to you.

Ready to dive in?


    Every Intuitive Intensive is centered upon your own unique goals, dreams, and energetic priorities for your life & well-being, including but not limited to your relationships, communication, boundaries, holistic health, spirituality, and self-actualization.

    *Designed for individuals of any age who are ready to become who they’ve always meant to be.


    The Professional Intensive dives straight to the heart of your career, leadership, or business goals & growth. Focus areas may include career clarity, developing or revolutionizing your brand, creating powerful changes & transitions in your work life, strengthening your natural leadership skills, and elevating your impact & income by retiring the hustle & choosing flow.

    *Designed for emerging & established leaders, entrepreneurs, & creatives alike who want to answer the call of their courage in their professional talents + contributions.


    The Spiritual Intensive is holistic in nature, partnering with you to safely explore your core values, beliefs, desires, and fears. You’ll learn how to listen to your body’s wisdom, sharpen your intuition, & build nervous system regulation practices to bring safety, ease, & clarity to your body, mind, & spirit.

    *Designed for those who want to deepen their inner trust, connect more deeply to their intuitive gifts, begin to release energetic heaviness or religious conditioning, & reclaim their natural power.

“So practical, strategic, and wise. I gained more clarity in this single day of coaching than I’ve had in months of therapy or 1:1s with my boss. We dissolved my anxiety with care and developed clear action steps that I’ve already seen results from in the two weeks since.

It wasn’t a cake walk (aptly named an intensive) but a great way for those who are ready to get honest with themselves & roll up their sleeves to build something new in their career and life.

— Bianca M | Educator | Higher Education | Boy Mom | Social Activist


  • Life is full and we’re often short on time of our own. Spend a day of yours with us to reinvigorate & recalibrate how you spend all your days — personally, professionally, or spiritually.

    A single day intensive is an excellent option for those seeking real-time, tangible, & personalized coaching and intuitive counsel in a compact period of time.

    Single day intensives are best for those who love workshops and single day events packed with insights, perspective shifts, new information, and impromptu practices.

    Ideal for those who like fast-paced intuitive support & consultation blended together to awaken clarity, shed heaviness, cultivate courage, and open up clear new steps forward.

    However, if you enjoy more space to explore, digest, process, and actually practice what you’re learning & unlearning alongside personalized intuitive support, our holistic services are more aligned to you. Check them out here.

  • Partnering with an intuitive coach in your growth & healing means you are collaborating at the cognitive, somatic, & energetic levels simultaneously.

    This uniquely integrative approach of mind, body, & spirit means the bedrock of your movement forward is grounded in physiological safety, emotional awareness, and accessible, practical next steps applicable for today's evolving world.

    Simply put, integrative development is embodied learning & unlearning that actually sticks & sustains because it involves the body & spirit in addition to the mind.

    Real change—evolving change—happens when our inner trust runs deep and our beliefs & behaviors are on the same page.

  • You likely already know why — consider what brought you here.

    If you’re hungry to elevate your impact, income, or make a meaningful change or transition that is asking of your courage, you’re in good company here.

    The call to courage shows up differently for each one of us. We are here to support you putting that courage into actual practice & taking next steps in alignment with your deepest dreams & desires.

    Going it alone keeps us repeating cyclical patterns in our life or we simply don’t move forward at all.

    Our partnership is as real as it gets — no recycled programs here. We’ll focus on the inner work & the outer practices necessary for you to take genuine risks on your own brilliance, move through challenges, and follow your heart’s cry — whether that means a transition or renewing your commitment to where you are.

    Behind every courageous human is a team of active champions. We’d love to be one of yours.

  • Some professional development services may be tax-deductible for entrepreneurial leaders & executives. Ask your accountant for details if you believe these development services may apply to your unique situation.

    Not a business owner? You may qualify for professional development stipends or learning grants at your current organization or company. Many of our clients receive full or partial financial support for our custom professional development services and annual retainer plans. We encourage you to ask your HR team for details.

  • We'll be in touch with you via email to schedule your Intuitive Intensive!

    We regularly book out intensives three months (one quarter) in advance so plan your reservation accordingly.

    Please indicate in your reservation notes which specific months you're most interested in scheduling your intensive and we'll do our best to accommodate you.

    Please anticipate receiving an email response within 48 business hours from the time of your reservation to schedule your orientation call to prepare for and book your specific intensive day.

    Once scheduling is complete, we'll also provide you with orientation materials to prepare you well for your Intuitive Intensive day.

  • We’re impressed! Questions mean you’re taking your desired changes & transitions seriously and want to find an aligned community in which to realize them.

    We want this for you too — whether or not you land here. We invite you to book a discovery call here so we can explore your specific questions.

    Social proof always helps too, doesn’t it? We’re a multi-dimensional coaching practice and our results speak for themselves. Check out the reviews for the latest client stories & testimonials or find them through this website as you browse.

“She helped me see the big and small picture simultaneously. Her guidance is unmatched. I have hired many coaches in my tenure and none of them have brought as much clarity & support to the table as Tonyalynne. I left this intensive with clear action steps and a recommitment to why I started in the first place. She also weaves spirituality into any business while leaving out all the fluff that dilutes its real purpose in the workplace.”

— Brandon, Executive Coach | Adjunct Professor | Proud Father

Join the practice today.