Expansion where it matters to you.

We move through changes & transitions of any kind with greater courage & ease when we have safety, nervous system regulation support, and a compassionate space to be entirely ourselves.

Holistic Life

Is your courage calling you forward in all kinds of ways?

Professional Life

Career | Leadership Transitions

Personal Life

Early Adult Life | Mid Life | End of Life

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Transitions | Mentorship

Entrepreneur Life

Conscious Business Development

Energy Healing

Advanced Reiki | Ancient & Progressive Energy Healing

“My only regret is not starting sooner. Everything I’ve accomplished in the last five years is a direct result of my work with The Courage Practice.

It’s been a safe place for me to get to know the person beneath who I always pretended to be. I was heavily masking, people-pleasing, and loved control. It was ruining my health and my relationships. Now I’m living more at ease in myself, my body, my neurodivergence, & choosing peace instead of control.

It takes serious practice and exploring internal parts you’ve really hidden from yourself but if you’re ready to be courageous, this work strengthens you. It has changed my life in more ways than I can name. Thank you so much, TL, for seeing me and guiding me safely home to myself.”

— Devon H | Financial Strategist | Podcast Addict | Bird Mom

love notes from your courage.

Want a little intuitive nudge forward sent directly to your phone everyday?

Life is busy, messy, beautiful, and full.

Add a daily dose of inspo to breathe through the noise and keep moving through it all.

Beginning Fall 2024.

Invest in yourself + our global community.

For Every New Client

A new tree is planted to honor your roots & your rising.

For Everyone

Simply visiting our website? Help us give coaching to those on the margins & knee-deep in their courage.

For Every Returning Client

We’ll give fresh water to a family who truly needs it in the world.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

— Anaïs Nin

Join the practice today.