Awaken your courage from the inside out.

Progressive Energy Healing

Spiritual DNA activation is an ancient, molecular-deep energy healing practice designed to support modern self-healing.

Originating in ancient Egypt & similar in style to distance reiki healing, progressive energy healing with spiritual DNA Activation specifically ignites the dormant strands of our spiritual DNA to unwrap buried clarity, clear stubborn energetic blocks, and fortify our connection to our intuitive gifts along with the inner courage to practice them.

—Heal ancestral patterns which bridle your expression, prosperity, intimacy, and freedom

—Clear energetic heaviness & cultivate inner glow

—Expand your intuitive clarity & natural gifts

—Dissolve inner resistance & access forgiveness, acceptance, & resilience more naturally

—Organically improve your sleep & dream life clarity

—Reduce anxiety through shadow integration & the energetic alchemization of ancestral wounds

—Widen energetic channels of abundance & ease

Activation takes place in multiple stages comprised of energetic restoration, strand activation, & shadow integration over a customized period of time, averaging two - four months.

Clients are neither physically nor virtually present for any stage and we serve clients worldwide.

“Best investment I’ve made in years! I was skeptical at first but I’m so glad I listened to that little inner voice that told me to try this out. I am taking risks again and it feels amazing. I’m no longer settling in my career or my relationships. I’m blown away by all the ways this progressive energy healing continues to support me.”

— Elizabeth | Marketing | Sports & Apparel | Yoga Instructor | Cat Mom

Energy Healing Rates

Spiritual DNA Activation

Ancient + Progressive Energy Healing

$1895 USD or $495 USD x four months

Full Activation + Seasonal Strand Clearing

Full Activation + Seasonal Energetic Clearing

$2295 USD or $495 x six months

Where science & spirituality integrate.

The Benefits

The Process

“It is rare to be on the receiving end of the level of depth, insight, and wisdom Tonyalynne offers.

It is the extraordinary individual who is endowed with the intuitive & psychic gifts she possesses and shares with such grace and presence. I feel more hopeful and more aligned to who I am and how I can better serve my purpose. I will truly never forget this experience and feel so grateful for it.”

— Kristin T | Executive Coach | Podcast Host, “How I Made It Through”


  • Progressive energy healing with spiritual DNA activation is an ancient energy healing modality ideal for modern times. This healing work is designed to restore and activate dormant strands of spiritual DNA to unwrap purpose, potential, consciousness, and inner peace.

    Learn more about DNA activation below or explore benefits as told to us by our own client community.

    Key Benefits of Spiritual DNA Activation, The Courage Practice

    2023: How to Activate Your DNA and Unlock Dormant Potential, Gaia

    Video: DNA Activation Explained + Meditation, Your Youniverse

    Video: DNA Activation & Unlocking Your Superhuman Abilities, DNA Awakening

    We look forward to serving & supporting you in this potent & purposeful energy healing experience should you feel called to it.

  • Not at all! We are a signature provider for progressive energy healing with spiritual DNA activation and work as distance energy healing professionals -- similar in nature to a distance reiki session.

    Clients are neither physically nor virtually present for any stage of activation and/or clearing and we regularly serve clients worldwide every month.

    We keep in close connection with you via email throughout the activation process, however, so you are aware of each stage and how best to support your integration moving forward. You'll receive personalized notes, integration practices, and an activation preparation guide in advance of your experience.

  • Your skepticism is welcomed. I was a skeptic too when I first learned of spiritual DNA activation years ago.

    At the time, I was trained as a master level reiki practitioner yet wanted to go deeper in my work with clients to get to the molecular root of one's energetic heaviness and why their untapped potential felt out of reach no matter how active their healing practices happened to be.

    Following my own spiritual DNA activation, strand clearing, and three years of certification training, testing, and application, I added this healing modality with permanent energetic seal removal to my body of work at The Courage Practice. I adore serving clients woridwide to awaken their own inner courage, shed energetic heaviness, and embody their higher purpose.

    Bring your skepticism if you'd like. Bring your hopes and desires too.

    When we begin to unwrap all that has always been dormant within us, we begin to see things differently.

  • Much like other forms of energy healing such as acupuncture, massage, and reiki, progressive energy healing with spiritual DNA activation serves at the energetic level of the body, targeting energetic density, debris, and other elements interrupting the energetic flow of the spiritual body.

    This specific energy healing modality began in ancient Egypt BC and is widely known as a powerful energetic clearing of ancestral patterns of heaviness, a cleansing of the chakra system, if needed, and full restoration of our spiritual strands of DNA associated with purpose, consciousness, and inner peace.

    To learn more, check out our activation process here.

  • Yes — definitely! We offer a four month installment plan for all activations. Check it out here.

    We also offer a six month installment plan for the full activation + seasonal strand clearing services. You can check out this option out here.

    Due to the energetic & personalized nature of this work, all services reserved will begin following the full completion of one’s chosen installment plan.

Join the practice today.