My love language is reminding you of your natural power.

I get it, friend.

I know that feeling — caught between the desire to choose courage and the fear of what will happen when you actually do.

I know well the tension that exists within choosing between what feels right & what feels true.

It can be emotionally paralyzing & deeply dysregulating too.

I spent the first half of my life literally running from courage.

I had a penchant for running away from anything that broke my heart wide open — even the good stuff. And when everyday life got hard, I’d try to sweat it out with a run.

I was hiding and playing small.

Choosing comfort, conformity, and everything else I thought I should do, believe, think, love, communicate…

I chose to hide in my relationships, health, spirituality, habits, and career.

But mostly, I hid from myself.

I felt stuck, unconsciously spinning in place.

I regularly dissociated from my body and lived in the spin cycle of my mind.

The oxygen was slowly running out of all the closets I had put myself in too.

The only thing more frightening than choosing my comfort?

Practicing my courage.

Then family death, a career-ending spinal injury, a rare connective tissue disorder, living with chronic pain, and stepping out of a few closets changed everything.

There would be no more running now. I was invited to start all over again.

This second half of life has been all about softening into courage.

A rebirth — learning to literally walk again, to accept & to regulate my emotions, and to breathe freely as the femme I am.

Authenticity is messy; it usually begins with loss & grief, the shedding of all that no longer aligns to the deepest truth of who we are.

For me, that meant more loss of family & meaningful relationships, including my closest friendships and favorite workplace community. It also meant a medical bankruptcy, an eviction notice, a C-PTSD diagnosis, and being displaced & unhoused in less than a year.

The destruction of my external security and an opportunity to learn how to create inner safety and trust. An annihilation of all that I knew so I could become who I am meant to be.

Rock bottoms & unrelenting transitions illuminate everything.

From within these trenches, The Courage Practice was born.

No home address, $808 to my name stashed in an old tea tin in my luggage, zero financial support, and delivering coaching sessions in my car while borrowing free wifi from coffee shop parking lots across three states in the Pacific Northwest. I secured the contracts for my first handful of annual retainer clients by phone from the backseat of my Volkswagen Jetta.

It took another three years of housesitting, petsitting, couch & floor surfing, one glorious spare room, the kindness of strangers turned family, the softening of my inner resistance, and massive growth & healing to reunite with my dog, my city, and a home of my own.

Courage remains my practice today.

All of us have a story that would break our hearts wide open, don’t we?

And yet there is genuine power in reclaiming what we desire to create & contribute — even & especially when we’re on our knees.

Imagine what the world could be if we all allowed our fear yet chose our courage?

® Photo taken the day Ollie & I were reunited after three years apart


A certified, trauma-sensitive coach for 20+ years and an intuitive since birth, I spend my days supporting good humans like you to create powerful change in their lives and move through transitions of every kind.

I still live with chronic pain + swelling after a devastating fall in my twenties. Like all of us humans, some days are better than others.

When not working, I’m learning how to play again. After years of being unable to walk without mobility assistance, I cherish every nature trail, oceanside stroll, weekend adventure, passport stamp, the yoga mat, morning coffee on my porch, and walks with Ollie and the people I love.

Sometimes we fall — and it changes things.

After two decades of misdiagnoses & severe nervous system dsyregulation, the confirmed realities of C-PTSD, neurodivergence, and advanced lipedema also serve as integral pieces of my story.

And—just like you—I am far more than the sum total of my experiences. Our situations do not define us even though they profoundly shape us.

These life experiences serve as an indelible part of our becoming & influence our priorities. Within every curve & plot twist lies hope, heartbreak, and opportunity, doesn’t it? We get to choose resistance, acceptance, or a mixture of both along the way. While we don’t always get to direct how the narrative unfolds, we always get to choose our relationship to its unfolding.

I’m in my late forties now. I just said farewell to my beloved Ollie. I’m a deep introvert who loves real connection. Befriending my courage and fear remains a wild adventure. As with most practices, it requires equal parts humor & heartache alongside heaps of self-compassion & curiosity.

Laughter too. The belly-deep kind. (I may not be able to run anymore but I do know how to laugh.)

Here’s what I know to be true so far…

—It takes courage to feel it all and travel gently through life.

—Sometimes the darkest moments shake our truth free.

—Our genuine power isn’t found in our position, our posture, our perfection, or even our pocketbook.

It is revealed in our practice.

“When the pandemic hit, I lost everything. Thank you for helping me start over again.”

— Danielle R, Hospitality & Wellness | Single Mom | 2020 Coaching Scholarship Recipient


You know where courage is calling you — we’ll begin there.

Here’s to the high commitment you hold to yourself and to your deepest desires.

Every part of you matters & is valuable to reclaiming your story. Even the messy parts.

I cannot wait to meet all of you.

Let’s start walking together,

Join the practice today.