Give a hand to one that’s reaching.

Want to help someone create change?

The Courage Practice coaching scholarship program is an annual needs-based, little-to-no income program offering pro bono coaching services to those in dire need who are currently navigating challenges which exist beyond the reach of systems and communal support.

Here’s the raw truth.

Our societal systems miss the mark in delivering equitable access & equitable outcomes to all humans, often unflinchingly perpetuating oppression and deepening marginalization. And our communities are often too busy or entrenched in their own challenges to really engage in a meaningful way.

The Courage Practice seeks to partner with individuals & businesses who want to contribute a real hand to our scholarship recipients who are knee-deep in heavy change & transition.

If you believe in the power of courage in practice and want to join us in creating more opportunities for those at the edges of the system, please read below for ways you can contribute — in service, with dollars, resources, or through spreading the word to your communities.

This program sadly isn’t designed to serve thousands — although we admittedly wish it were. It is designed, however, to walk with five - ten scholarship recipients each year through pro bono coaching & consulting services to begin creating the real change they desire in their careers, housing, wellbeing, or way of life.

Read on for how you (or your business) can help.


    Apply to become an affiliate coach with The Courage Practice!

    Affiliate coaches serve the scholarship program by contributing their compassionate presence, quality time, love of coaching, areas of expertise, specialized training & experience, boundaried energy, and big hearts to deliver pro bono coaching services to scholarship recipients annually.

    Coaching durations vary widely based on applicant’s needs — from three sessions to a full year of pro bono services.

    Gutsy, wholehearted, & neurodivergent individuals who speak multiple languages fluently are highly encouraged to apply. Must reside in the US to be eligible given the terms of service.

    *This volunteer position is designed for professional coaches already working in their respective field, highly trained, and well-equipped to engage with clients moving through deep change & transition.


    Got limited time yet want to lend a hand?

    Become a sponsor by donating your dollars.

    Every sponsorship matters & ensures we can provide each coaching scholarship recipient with a customized duration of coaching for their needs as well as equip them with key resources for their next steps, such as professional interview attire, access to transportation, or a housing security deposit.

    Annual sponsors will be highlighted in our community news and seasonal events each year.

    *Designed for individual leaders, entrepreneurs, & businesses who value investing in real people and in paying it forward by contributing financially to the growth of this program.


    Know someone who would directly benefit from this scholarship program? Recommend them to us and encourage them to apply!

    Please review the application process and eligibility guidelines to ensure your recommended individual meets all qualifications. Due to the program’s capacity, there is no wiggle room in the application process or its eligibility requirements.

    We value your championship & support by sharing this program with your community. We have served 100+ individuals with pro bono coaching & consulting services since this program’s inception in 2019. We have witnessed remarkable life changes & transitions and immeasurable courage. We look forward to giving a hand to even more souls with your help and support.

Explore the Coaching Scholarship Program

Discover where your contribution goes.

“I don’t know where I’d be without this support. I lost my job and then my husband to cancer. Everything felt like it was falling apart at once. I was so scared and overwhelmed. She helped me research jobs, prepare for interviews, and even find a way to take my husband’s ashes out to sea [his burial request.] She was an ear and a strategic guide when I needed it most this year.”

— Kim S | Single Mom | Human Resources Manager | 2023 Scholarship Recipient