wherever this finds you, keep reaching.

The Scholarship Program

Sometimes life asks of our courage before we are able to make all the pieces fit.

When we want to create meaningful change and movement forward in our lives yet the climb feels extra steep, an extra hand means everything.

Or sometimes we’re seeking compassionate, emotionally safe support and accountability to keep going in a time of challenge or transition yet the investment feels severely out of reach.

One of the greatest practices of our courage is to ask for support.

I personally know this well. I started The Courage Practice while houseless, with $808 to my name, and bouncing from couch to car to airport concourse floors to friends’ homes to keep a roof over my head, utilizing free wifi in airports, coffee shops, and parking lots to deliver sessions and grow this business.

I’ve known deep loss and emotional isolation too. Learning to figure things out on my own from an early age. I used to take great pride in being a lone wolf, thinking this approach illuminated strength and perseverance. I was wrong — it is reaching for support which reveals our courage and determination to move forward.

The practice of giving and receiving support brings us together in our humanity like nothing else.

If you or someone you love is rolling in the deep due to a heavy season of life and desires personalized coaching to move forward, read on to learn more about this program.

How to get involved

Eligibility & Benefits

How to Apply

Contribute a Hand

“It was already not going well for us before COVID. When we lost our income and my husband got sick, I knew I needed to get a job but it had been so long, I didn’t know where to even start. Thank you for helping me not only with my networking, resume, & interview skills but for being a friend in my grief.”

— Katelyn C | Healthcare Administration | Mom | Pandemic Homeschooler | 2021 Scholarship Recipient

“When the pandemic hit, I lost everything. Thank you for helping me start over again.”

— Danielle R | Hospitality & Wellness | Single Mom | 2020 Scholarship Recipient

“Thank you, thank you! I wouldn’t have been able to do this year without you. This opportunity helped me get a job in a new city when my children and I needed a new start after a devastating loss.”

— Mel M | Healthcare Administration | Single Parent | 2019 Scholarship Recipient


  • The personalized kind.

    No two recipients needs the same kind of coaching support and care.

    We focus where the scholarship recipient most needs and desires support in this challenging and often critical season of their life.

    This may include clarity coaching, career coaching, health and wellness coaching, and/or partnering with a recipient to take specific next steps in their professional and/or personal lives.

    For example, a recent recipient without family received end-of-life coaching support and care while in the final months of a hospice community with a focus on grieving, transitioning, and dying well.

    Making meaningful changes and transitions is what we do here at The Courage Practice -- of every kind. How it looks and feels will be unique to you. What covers will be too based on the changes ahead.

  • Simply check out the Eligibility & Benefits page above or here to review specific eligibility requirements.

    If all requirements are met, then click on the How to Apply page above or here to begin the application process. Applicants are selected twice a year with start times that vary based on applicants' needs.

    Please note there are zero exceptions to the eligibility requirements.

    *Due to terms of service, scholarships are available solely for US residents at this time.

    Because of the high demand for pro bono coaching services and the small handful of scholarships offered each year, we cannot accommodate exceptions of any kind at this time.

    Thank you so much for your interest in acquiring a coaching scholarship with The Courage Practice. We look forward to reviewing your application!

  • We love partnering with individuals and other businesses that believe in the value of 1:1 coaching for those who need an extra hand to move forward safely and courageously in a pivotal time in their lives.

    If that's you, your team, or your business, please consider contributing in one or more ways. Check out all the ways you can contribute a hand to make this scholarship program possible year after year here.

    Want to contribute and don't see the best avenue for you or your business? Feel free to reach out here and share your specific idea for contribution.

    We cannot make any promises that your contribution idea(s) will align to the program's current needs but we're always ready to engage with you to support the vitality of this program in today's world.

  • Share this program with them!

    If it's a great fit for their needs, they'd love this kind of 1:1 virtual support to make some courageous changes, and their situation meets the eligibility requirements, definitely encourage them to apply!

    Simply copy and paste the link to this page into a text thread or send the link straight to their inbox with a note to check it out.

    We love hearing from candidates who have been referred to us by our community.

  • If you don't see your question addressed on any of the scholarship program pages, please feel free to reach out here with your specific program-related question(s).

    Due to high volume of communications, please anticipate a response within one business week of receipt of your email. Thank you for your understanding!

“I cannot thank you enough for helping me. You really have no idea how much it mattered after all everything we’ve lost this past year. Thank you for being there and getting it. I felt really seen, respected, and valued. I’m in a much better place and have a renewed connection to my courage.”

— Steven P | Entrepreneur | Proud Father & Husband | 2022 Scholarship Recipient

“Your support and interview preparation practice made a real difference to me. I no longer felt alone which helped me take steps more confidently and quickly. I’m now back in school and absolutely love it! Thanks for being there, TL.”

— Siobhan F | Admin Assistant | Nursing Student | Single Mom | 2023 Scholarship Recipient

Join the practice today.