Scholarship eligibility & benefits

Need coaching to make a change?

The Courage Practice coaching scholarship program is an annual needs-based, little-to-no income program offering pro bono coaching services to those in dire need who are currently navigating challenges which exist beyond the reach of systems and communal support.

Here’s the raw truth.

Our societal systems miss the mark in delivering equitable access & equitable outcomes to all humans, often unflinchingly perpetuating oppression and deepening marginalization. And our communities are often too busy or entrenched in their own challenges to really engage in a meaningful way.

The Courage Practice seeks to lend a hand in creating more opportunities for those at the edges of the systems who are genuinely ready to dive in and create something new for themselves.

This program sadly isn’t designed to serve thousands — although we admittedly wish it were. It is designed, however, to walk with three - five scholarship recipients each year through pro bono coaching & consulting services to begin creating the real change they desire in their careers, housing, wellbeing, or way of life.

Read on for full benefits & eligibility below.

Scholarship benefits

Having a compassionate human walking alongside us in a season of great challenge is everything. 

No robots here. No automated messages of inspiration either.

Just a live human to listen, empower, lovingly challenge, & ask questions.

A thought partner to help us get resourced and prepared to take action where most needed.

A virtual shoulder to lean on when things are heavy & our vision is too blurry to see the way forward.

A human whose been in the trenches too.

When two people work together for the wellbeing of one person, momentum is magnified.

Examples of previous scholarship applicant focus areas have included:

—Nail the job interview to make a successful career transition

—Learn how to network, build community, and gather resources

—Practice moving with your grief instead of trying to manage it

—Bounce forward from financial ruin with actionable steps and aligned goals

—Learn how to negotiate, ask for what you need, or consciously listen

—Sharpen your professional presence, relational boundaries, or self-care practices

—Sharpen your emotional regulation practices to better support you and your nervous system

Dedicated 1:1 coaching support to create real change.

Scholarship eligibility requirements

Selected candidates demonstrate a high commitment to practicing their courage, a deep sense of agency, and a clear willingness to take consistent, integral action to create meaningful movement in their lives.

Examples of needs-based may be—yet not limited to—the following nature:

  • Long term unemployment falling beyond the edges of assistance programming, such as federal or state programs

  • Intense healthcare challenges extending beyond what your community can engage — personally, professionally, & financially

  • No income — there is no current income in your household yet previous income warrants ineligibility to other programs

  • Post pandemic-related loss such as job, home, or financial resources and well beyond the edges of assistance programming

  • Houseless — living at the edge of your own community’s hospitality yet the pieces still aren’t lining up for something else

  • Tragic life transitions & acute loss — the mud is deep, the emotional isolation is high, and you’re trying to both grieve and rise

    The fine print

    Additional eligibility requirements for this program include:

  • Due to the scholarship program’s terms of service, all applicants must physically reside in the United States for their application to be considered. US citizenship is not required.

  • Applicants must have regular, private access to a wifi connection, laptop or smartphone, the ability to download & log into the Zoom video conferencing platform, and note-taking supplies.

  • Applicants must possess the ability to communicate & engage via the English language in their coaching sessions. Coaching services are not yet available in other languages at this time.

  • Applicants must sign a coaching agreement for all services rendered along with a consent & release for any likeness or copy to be shared — either from the program or by the program.

Program Overview

How to Apply

Contribute a Hand

“I didn’t know how to interview or network. I have felt like a community of two (myself and my son) for so long that everything felt like a monumental hurdle after leaving my partner and home. Thank you for helping us start over again. The way you helped me see what I’m capable of beyond my circumstances has changed a lot for me. I really enjoy my new job and am finally feeling strong and brave enough to sing again. Thank you ever so much for everything, Tonyalynne.”

— Esther W | Single Mom | Marketing Assistant | Aspiring Artist | 2024 Scholarship Recipient