Sometimes our feelings are really, really big. 

We look for ways to contain them yet emotional suffocation is real too. 

So we look for spaces big enough to allow our feelings to move without restraint or restriction. 

The water and the trees are those places for me. 

I walk beneath the evergreens every day. 

I walk beside the water as often as possible too. 

Mother Earth can hold it all. 

She doesn’t cling to anything and trusts in the transient nature of life’s weather and emotion. 

There isn’t a thing She cannot hold for you too, friend. 

We often look for models of self-improvement through the lens of our mind, including how-to guidebooks, hacks, social media memes, and endless books. Yet our deepest teacher for learning how to feel and to move with life’s weather rather than against it abides within the soul of Nature Herself. She allows every season, even when it breaks Her open. She holds onto nothing yet honors everything.

Nature always finds a way forward. You will too, friend.

Take the heaviness to Her however you can. Lay down in Her midst and give her all your resistance. Release to Her what you cannot release at home, in your car, with other people, and in the silence of your own heart. She will listen to every word.

Ask Her for all you need. 

She holds the balm for your spirit and will remind you that within your practice of vulnerability lies the medicine you seek.

The Courage Practice ®

Where inner work meets outer practice. Intuitive, trauma-informed coaching & energy healing for every kind of change & transition. Cultivate the life you desire and help build the world you want to live in. With intuitive tools, nervous system regulation practices, & personalized coaching, we can all break free from survival patterns of belief & behavior to create powerful change in our lives.

The Practice of Grounding


Five Ways to Practice Courage During Uncertain Times