Complimentary Practice Guide

Making Friends With Our Emotions

Want to get to know yourself better?

Enjoy our practice guide featuring an introduction to somatic listening + key emotional regulation practices for when we’re feeling lightly, moderately, or intensely dysregulated.

Ease anxiety, deepen resilience, and strengthen your self-connection.

Want self-paced, guided practice?

Making Friends With My Courage

Courage in practice calls us further into our honesty, vulnerability, authenticity, and compassion.

It asks for our willingness to befriend and accept all parts of ourselves. Courage gently empowers us to look directly at our fears and honestly at our coping mechanisms.

In this trauma-sensitive practice guide, you will catch a glimpse of where you are in your current relationship to courage and receive key next steps to deepen your practice.

“I didn’t know how to strengthen my courage. I was also scared to talk to anyone about it. This guide was a thought-provoking & compassionate way to begin.”

— Irene K | Public Relations Director | Boy Mom | Choir Member | Work In Progress

Healthy relationships & courageous living asks us to really get to know the layers of who we are — the lighthearted parts out in the open and the exiled parts left in the shadows.

We’re conditioned from an early age to diminish parts of ourselves to form (or retain) attachments to our families of origin, cultures, faith traditions, societal pressures, …you name it.

We learn how to be honest — up to a point — in order to stay safe and then we go emotionally underground with the rest of us.

In this trauma-sensitive practice guide, you will gently begin to befriend your shadows. You’ll also explore how your fears & desires intersect, and discover key next steps to love all parts of yourself forward.

Making Friends With My Shadows

Releasing Energetic Attachments

Ready to release energetic ties to move forward?

Energetic cord cutting is an ancient spiritual practice to release energetic ties that bind us to history, another human, a pattern that no longer serves us, or a specific event or circumstance.

In this trauma-sensitive practice guide, you will receive a loving and compassionate way to honor your history while letting go of what has runs its course in your life and heart.

Join the practice today.