To the One who Desires to Release their Grasp on their Creature Comforts

Dear friend,

I see you standing at the edge of something that both terrifies and calls to you repeatedly. It is no small thing to face what has held you, what has tethered you to a familiar ache or a false safety.

It is no small thing to even consider releasing it.

I want you to know that your struggle does not define you. The vice, the numbing agent, the comfort zone—whatever it is—does not hold the whole of who you are. It is simply a piece of the story you’ve lived up until now, a response to pain, anxiety, fear, or overwhelm. It may have served you once, in a season where surviving felt like all you could do. Or perhaps where survival looks like fitting in. If so, thank it for what it gave you.

But please know this: you are allowed to outgrow it. You are allowed to seek more.

There is a power in beginnings, in deciding—again and again, if need be—to turn toward the unknown with trembling hands and an open heart. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. You don’t have to leap in one grand gesture. You don’t have to orchestrate a plan either. Liberation is not a single act; it is a series of small, steady choices to return to yourself as your source of comfort.

It may feel like this thing, this habit, this comfort, is your anchor. But the truth is, you were never meant to stay anchored. You were meant to grow, to move, to expand into the vastness of your life. And deep within you, there is a quiet courage waiting to take your hand. It doesn’t ask for perfection, only your willingness to begin.

So when the grasp to your comfort feels too strong, pause. Breathe. Let yourself imagine the life that awaits you on the other side. Not a life free of challenge, but a life that feels more like you, unmasked. A life where your choices are born from love, not fear.

And when the urge comes again—and it will, because change is rarely linear—remember that every moment is an invitation. Every time you choose to sit with discomfort instead of fleeing, you are rewriting the narrative.

You are declaring: I am more than this. I am worthy of the life I desire.

New beginnings are not bound by calendars or circumstances. They are born in the smallest moments, in the quiet bravery of saying: Not this time. I choose something different. I choose me.

You are capable of that choice, love.

You always have been.

From my heart to yours,


Practice Postscript


What is this vice, habit, or comfort protecting me from, and how can I begin to face that truth with compassion?


Each day, take five minutes to write or speak aloud your vision of the life you want to live without this vice.

Imagine it vividly. Feel the freedom, the joy, the peace—and let it strengthen your resolve.

Question to Carry Forward

In this moment, am I moving closer to or further from the life I want to create for myself?

The Courage Practice

Creating change from a deeper place. Intuitive, trauma-sensitive coaching for every kind of change and transition.

To the One in the Storm


As We Lay 2024 Down…